
Sponsored Facilities Management Providers Directory

All FM providers, regardless of whether they are registered with Pay.UK or not, are required to use the bulk change process when requested to do so.

This page contains a list of all organisations, advised to Pay.UK by sponsoring Payment Services Providers (PSPs), who are currently sponsored as Facilities Management Providers (FM Providers). It includes both FM Providers who are in scope of registration and those who are out of scope.

For further information on what a FM Provider is, see : Bacs Registered Facilities Management Provider – Pay.UK

It should be noted that a FM Provider’s sponsoring PSP is responsible for assessing their suitability as a service user operating as a FM Provider and for ensuring their compliance with the rules and procedures for the use of the Bacs service.

Please also note that as from 03 March 2025 the Bacs Commercial Facilities Management Accreditation programme ceased and is no longer a valid concept.

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