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Bacs direct participation

If you are a business considering joining Bacs to receive and make payments by Direct Debit or Bacs Direct Credit, you may wish to consider Bacs direct participation.

Bacs direct participation is open to banks, building societies, authorised electronic money institutions and authorised payment institutions, looking to join the Bacs Payment System.

When determining whether Bacs direct participation is right for your organisation, we would recommend that you refer to the Bacs system principles document, which provides a useful overview of the onboarding process, the payment types that are supported, as well as other elements such as settlement arrangements. It is also important to consider eligibility as a Bacs direct participant, and note that if direct connection is not commercially viable for your organisation, an organisation can use a Bacs Service provider. Your bank should be able to advise which type of service provider is best suited to your organisation.

For more information on becoming a Bacs direct participant email

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