Our Team
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Our team includes engagement, policy, risk, strategy, product development, framework management, and technical architecture experts.
They are responsible for the development and maintenance of Pay.UK standards, and for the advocacy of these on a domestic and global stage, while at the same time cultivating relationships with other payments operators and global financial market infrastructures, to share best practice.
As you would expect, we consult and take advice from a range of fora, including the Industry Standards Coordination Committee, the Bank of England’s Standards Advisory Panel and our Community of Developers group, to help inform on decisions and principles around standards development and change.
In addition, our team works with organisations such as the European Retail Payments Board, UK Finance, CEN, the European Payments Council, and participate in standards work for FinTech, overlay services, API standards and many more standards initiatives including tackling payment fraud and simplifying payments for business end users.
And, from a global perspective, we also hold key seats on ISO committees for TC68 and the ISO 20022 Registration Management Group and its standards evaluation groups.
This ongoing collaboration and continuous engagement help to ensure that Pay.UK, and the UK more widely, is at the forefront of any changes or innovations in our industry, while we proactively support and influence UK and international standardisation activities.
However, we recognise the importance of ever-wider engagement with our customers, stakeholders and end users, and the value of continued input and challenge from across the payments ecosystem. If you want to know more about our work on standards, you can reach us by emailing standards@wearepay.uk.