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Pay.UK Swoosh

Overlay Services

In our role as a Payment System Operator, Pay.UK is overseeing the creation of rules and standards for new overlay services that will help realise increased benefits for end-users and, importantly, act as a catalyst for greater and wider innovation.

Our people are passionate about unlocking this potential, and excited about the positive difference this will make across the payments industry. And our efforts have already seen significant progress being made in this important area.

Confirmation of Payee, which lets payers check who they are paying before they confirm the transaction, has already been successfully rolled out in the market and is proving an important tool in the fight against Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud and misdirected payments.

Request to Pay, a messaging service that has been created to complement existing payments infrastructure and gives billers the ability to request payment for a bill rather than simply sending an invoice, is also now being offered by third-party providers.

You can find out more about these overlay services in this section.

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