Our social progress and commitments
As the operator of the UK’s interbank retail payment systems, we are very aware of our social impact, not only by our operation but across the ecosystem and society, as a whole.
We have made progress since our organisation was established in 2019, and remain committed to the ongoing development of policies and strategies that support us being a diverse, inclusive, and responsible employer, making a positive social impact.
As an organisation of fewer than 400 employees, our own reach is relatively small, however, our position in the ecosystem allows us to be ambitious in our social aims.
Pay.UK is committed to having a positive social impact through our employment practices, commitment to greater diversity and inclusion, and our targeted community and charity outreach activities.
We are also committed to enhancing our reporting beyond compliance, including the voluntary adoption of industry standards and codes.
Responsible employer
Operating as a responsible employer
Pay.UK progress to date:
- We publish our modern slavery statement on an annual basis, approved by our board.
- We have an established Health and Safety (H&S) Policy and an operational H&S Committee, consisting of employee representatives.
- Pay.UK is a Living Wage Employer and encourages our suppliers to support living wages.
- We focus on colleague wellbeing as part of our Employee Value Proposition (EVP), which includes extensive medical benefits, fitness subsidy, Employee Assistance Programme and wellbeing hub. We have a network of mental health first aiders.
- We launched our Menopause Policy and support group in 2022.
Pay.UK future ambitions:
- We will enhance our reporting on human rights, including risk identification and impact assessment.
- We will report on performance indicators which measure the effectiveness of our antislavery and human trafficking requirements.
- We will enhance our public reporting of H&S data, in particular, accident data.
- We will develop a Sustainable Supplier Code, which articulates our social requirements from our supply chain.
Diversity and inclusion
Working to improve our diversity and inclusivity
Pay.UK progress to date:
- We have an established Inclusion Strategy (2022-2024) which is delivering and reporting on the commitments laid out in our roadmap, including signing the Race at Work Charter and Disability Charter.
- We have launched our first diversity data collection campaign achieving 50% completion in year one.
- We have an established Inclusion Committee with diverse membership and balanced representation. Members are instrumental in delivery of inclusion projects and initiatives across Pay.UK.
- We produce a Gender Pay Gap report on an annual basis and report on how we are addressing the gap.
- We have carried out inclusion training across our organisation including Active Bystander.
Pay.UK future ambitions:
- From 2023 we will develop targets on diversity and inclusion, in line with the the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) targets.
- We will continue our diversity data collection with the aim to reach 66% by 2025.
- We will encourage supplier diversity within our own supply chain.
- We will implement processes to ensure that our products and services consider inclusion, accessibility and usability.
Social impact
Our community and charity work
Pay.UK progress to date:
- We have achieved a silver accreditation under the CSR-A scheme and won bronze at the CSR Excellence awards.
- We publish an externally accredited Social Impact Report, biennially.
- We have supported local charities since we were established in 2019, including Whitechapel Mission and First Love foundation, in Tower Hamlets.
- We have a colleague-led Social Committee.
- We are a signatory to the UK Prompt Payment Code ensuring fair payment terms for local suppliers.
Pay.UK future ambitions:
- We aim to achieve a CSR-A gold accreditation by 2026.
- We will continue to identify opportunities to work with local communities and suppliers.
- We will continue to support communities through our charity partnership and philanthropic activities.
- We are aiming to become a signatory to the UK Prompt Payment Code ensuring fairer payment terms for small suppliers.
- Voluntarily sign up to the FCA diversity targets and reporting requirements.
- Enhanced human rights reporting.
- Enhanced diversity reporting.
- Enhanced public H&S reporting.
- Develop and implement a Sustainable Supplier Code for our suppliers.
- Sign up to the UK Prompt Payment Code.
- Become an accredited Living Wage Employer.
- CSR-A gold accreditation by 2026.