Reimbursement Claims Management System (RCMS)

All in scope PSPs must register with Pay.UK

We have developed a single, whole-of-market solution to facilitate the management of claims under the APP fraud reimbursement policy: Reimbursement Claims Management System (RCMS).

The RCMS is a single, whole-of-market solution designed to support PSPs in meeting their SD20 legal obligations, and will facilitate and streamline the management of claims for PSPs, as per the Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud Reimbursement policy

The system provides a two-way communication capability between sending and receiving banks, allowing claims to seamlessly progress through various stages to resolution, as well as a reporting functionality that will enable payment service providers (PSPs) to report claims data to Pay.UK, as required by the PSR.

All PSPs will need to sign up to the system to provide Pay.UK with the required PSR “Reporting Standard A” / Claim Data Reporting Standard (CDRS) by 7 October 2024.  This will allow PSPs to submit their data for the period 7 October to 30 November 2024 by 5pm on 6 January 2025.

There is no charge for the RCMS in 2024.  Costs of the RCMS system, servicing, compliance monitoring and other APPR support will be recovered via the Faster Payments System in 2025 and 2026 before a move to direct billing. We are a not-for-profit organisation. Full details of our pricing approach can be found here.

Benefits for PSPs

  • The automated processing of claims through the RCMS will save time, operational resource and allow for a more efficient process
  • A whole-of-market solution run by a Payment Systems Operator will ensure costs of using the system are kept to a minimum and ensure that PSPs all have a common set of best practice standards and data standards to adhere to
  • Reduction in fraud losses for the sending PSP as receiving PSPs are liable to contribute 50% of the fraud loss
  • A single place for the streamlined management of APP scam claims, in accordance with PSPs’ obligations as detailed within the PSR’s SD20
  • Potentially reduce overheads for PSPs by providing APP scam data directly to the PSR for ‘Measure

Benefits for consumers

  • Consistent communication between the consumer and the sending PSP via templates we will provide. This will ensure a consistent set of information is being requested from the consumer, enough to be able to assess and progress the claim, and ensures regular updates are being provided to the consumer regarding their claim
  • Definitive definitions for terms including ‘gross negligence’, and the Best Practice Guide we are developing ensures consistent interpretation and consumer experiences
  • Faster response times for consumers as PSPs are able to reach a decision faster with all PSPs being able to efficiently communicate with one another using a single solution.

There are two iterations of RCMS:



This provides access to the Directory of PSPs and, functionality to provide Reporting Standard A data to Pay.UK as required by the PSR.
Learn more

RCMS Core + Claims Management

RCMS Core + Claims Management

This provides the RCMS Core functionality and access to a claims management system.
Learn more

Book your place to see a demonstration of the RCMS Core + Claims product, outlining the claim process and a walk through of the directory.

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